10 Ways SEO Can Boost Profitability And Business

SEO is synonymous with digital marketing, and there is hardly anyone who hasn’t heard of it. If you have considered digital marketing to improve your business, you have explored the basics of SEO. In fact, SEO is on top of every marketing agency’s mind, and its importance in making your presence felt cannot be understated. Retail SEO gained momentum during 2020 with a close rate of 14.6%.

The numbers speak for themselves, but in reality, how can you use SEO to boost profitability? Here are ten ways that can help promote sales and increase profits using SEO.

1. Keyword Smart Marketing Strategy

Keywords are the linchpin to your SEO strategy. Without them, users will not find your products or services at all. You can start your research on appropriate keywords by using Google AdWords and similar tools.

The current trend is long-tail keywords, as they are used less and have a better conversion rate. Once you know the right keywords, you can start incorporating them in your content, headings, metadata, e-mails, and on your web pages and image descriptions.

2. Content Is Potentate

While product descriptions and sales pitches are a part of your content, incorporating blogs, articles, infographics, and videos with helpful information can help improve your content quality. Churning out original and informative content, which includes relevant keywords, can be a game-changer when it comes to SEO marketing.

When users search for information and find relevant content on your website, they begin to trust your business as an industry expert.

3. Be Highly Social

An interesting statistic to ponder: about 64% of social media users made a purchase after watching a video on social media. Most people turn to social media when looking for exciting content. You, too, can promote your business by posting captivating content related to your products and services. Use SEO to optimise the content and make it relevant to your offerings.

4. On-The-Go SEO Strategies

Retail SEO is highly dependent on mobile searches using smart devices such as phones, tablets, and voice assistants. One statistic reports that 51% of products were discovered using mobile devices. Also, organic keywords received 27.7% clicks on mobile devices compared to 19.3% clicks on desktops.

Moreover, more than half of Google searches are done on mobile devices only. These numbers are compelling enough reasons for you to optimise your website and SEO strategy for mobiles.

5. Go Local

Mobile users often tag their searches with “near me” when looking for products. Therefore, optimising your digital marketing strategy to incorporate local SEO is crucial. According to recent data, users visited over 70% of local businesses after a mobile search.

6. Use SEO In Meta Tags, Titles, And Taglines

Your webpage is the first impression that clients have of you. Therefore, focusing your SEO efforts on making the page relevant can pay off. SEO on your website helps improve your search rankings, allows search engines to index the pages better, and promotes visual elements.

You can do this by creating unique taglines that incorporate trending and long-tail keywords, writing product descriptions using keywords, using meta descriptions to increase hit rate, and creating internal links that are relevant and useful.

7. Need For Speed

Webpages taking over 3 seconds to load can result in a 7% conversion loss. The human attention span has fallen from 12 seconds to 8 seconds in the past two decades. A slow page is a kiss of death for your business in today’s context.

Therefore, it is recommended that you remove all elements that slow down the speed at which your webpage loads.

8. External Links Work Wonders

While internal links are essential, so are external links. When a blog or article from an industry expert or celebrity links back to your website, it lends credibility to your business.

Therefore, contact authority figures in your industry and discuss the possibility of your website being linked to their article or blog. For this, you will have to ensure that your offerings are worth their time and effort. Similarly, you too can add external links of industry influencers. Make sure that you take their permission first. This collaboration can be very fruitful in building a reliable image of your business.

9. Use Web Analytics From The Beginning

Most people turn to analytics when all their promotional efforts have failed. It is recommended that you don’t wait for a failure to nudge you in the direction of analytics. Use them from the time you design your SEO strategy. Analytics will help you devise a plan that works and provide real-time feedback rather than a post mortem of events.

10. Use Simple And Relevant URLs

People refer to URLs when they need to know exactly where they have landed. If the URL is complex or does not make sense, it will have little recall value. Include the title of the article or blog, or product in the URL so that the user knows where it leads. Simple steps such as avoiding capitalisation, underscores, and special characters can make it easy for search engines to read them.

The SEO world is constantly evolving, and you need to be on top of things to boost your profitability. The strategies mentioned above can help you remain current and build a website that augments your business. The retail SEO tips mentioned above can go a long way in stimulating your online presence and shooting up sales.