8 Simple Steps to Follow to Improve Corporate Security

Large companies usually experience high security threats. You’d think they have solid systems and contingencies in place, so they should be sitting pretty.

However, the reality is that security threats are increasingly becoming sophisticated. And in the case of corporations, where big money is involved, the rate of attacks continues to rise every year.

For a company to enjoy safety in today’s world, where anyone can have access to advanced tech, it’s necessary to hire top talent and implement the latest security measures.

In this post, we’ll give you a breakdown of simple steps you can follow to improve corporate security:


Cyber Security

Nowadays, all areas of modern life are digitized. It’s convenient, but it carries lots of risks.

One of the biggest problems companies face today is cyber security threats. According to statistics, cybercrime will cost companies globally more than $10 trillion every year by 2025.

So how can companies improve cyber security and reduce these threat levels?

1. Categorize Threats

The first step is to categorize threats and ensure you have all areas of cybercrime covered. Knowing exactly where a threat originated will help your team respond quickly in case of a breach.


2.  System Updates

So long as your systems are online, they are vulnerable. Hackers can attack from the comfort of their lairs at any time. Consider this a genuine threat and invest in system updates. Apply new patches as soon as possible to avoid weakening your defenses.


3. Strong Passwords

A strong password can be the one thing that stands between a company and the loss of money to cybercriminals. Make it mandatory for users to have strong passwords and enforce the rule of changing these passwords regularly.


4. Limited Access

Limit access to sensitive features and have only authorized employees accessing them. In addition, switch off services and features that are no longer in use because keeping them online without proper maintenance leaves room for attacks.


Physical Security

While most companies are usually prepared for physical threats, they aren’t immune to security breaches. Attackers still find ways to bypass the security measures if they are not up-to-date.

Here are a few ways of strengthening the physical part of your security:


5.  Hire Security Officers

When it comes to physical threats, well-trained guards are the first line of defense. Their presence alone is enough to deter criminals and encourage proper conduct within the company grounds.

Guards are a great resource as you can position them at strategic points within and outside the premises.

Work with a reputable security company that can analyze your risk level and provide the right services depending on your needs. Special Security Services offers more info on hiring skilled commercial security guards.


6. Video Monitoring

While cameras are an important part of security, constant video monitoring makes them more effective.

Invest in the latest cameras and surveillance tools, but most of all, set up a control room that’s operated at all times. Assign the monitoring duty to the security team to ensure they oversee all aspects of security at the same time.


7. Employee Training

Generally, employees are separate from a company’s security features. But that leaves them vulnerable and, by extension, their workplace as well.

Attackers often take advantage of employee access and may enter the premises through tailgating.

As part of strengthening security, companies can implement security awareness training for employees. This equips them with the knowledge needed to identify risks and respond correctly.

In addition, by creating a culture of security, you’ll encourage everyone to play a part in making the workplace a safe environment.


8. Visitor Procedure

Companies, especially large enterprises, usually receive a lot of visitors. If there isn’t a proper procedure to process visitors, they can pose a significant risk.

The security team may guard against theft and unauthorized access, but they can’t prevent exposure to sensitive information if there isn’t a system that places visitors in the right place at all times.

Maintain a system that tracks visitors and leaves no one unaccounted. This is also an effective way of preventing tailgating and other forms of social engineering attacks.


Final Thoughts

Attackers these days are regularly coming up with new and complex schemes, which makes security risks an undeniable reality for most businesses.

However, you can greatly beef up security by maintaining awareness, creating a solid response plan, and keeping your systems updated.