Can you legally buy CBD cannabis or not?

CBD products have literally flooded the market for wellness and lifestyle products in Germany. Products with the active ingredient from nature are available in countless varieties and are intended to help sufferers with acute pain, but can also be used prophylactically as a dietary supplement. Whether as a high-quality oil that can not only be taken pure or used as a skin care product, as an additive in snacks and other foods and as a natural cosmetic product that protects the skin from aging, everywhere we now find the ingredient CBD. But CBD can also be used as a stimulant, because it has a calming effect that can provide more relaxation.


Is CBD the same as marijuana?

CBD is extracted from the hemp plant and could therefore be considered a sister product of THC-containing marijuana. While both active ingredients come from the same plant, there is one major difference. While the consumption of THC can trigger a high, CBD is not psychoactive and therefore does not trigger a “high”. Likewise, the consumption of CBD also does not make the consumer addicted, as can be the case with classic marijuana. Interested parties who want to test the consumption of CBD for health reasons, therefore, do not have to worry, because CBD is harmless for the well-being.


CBD is versatile

Since CBD cannot only be used as pressed oil, more and more consumers are taking the opportunity to consume CBD weed, after all, consuming it offers the many benefits that CBD brings even if one fills a cigarette with the CBD weed. If one consumes the CBD, similar to THC-containing marijuana, which is of course also taken from the hemp plant, the beneficial ingredients can be quickly absorbed by the body through the oral mucosa and arrive via the blood specifically where it should help. Namely, at the receptors in the brain.

CBD can also be consumed as a flower. The CBD-containing hemp flowers are visually indistinguishable from the classic cannabis flowers. Special flowers are offered in specialized shops that contain only CBD and cannot cause intoxication. Especially in cases of severe pain, the oral consumption of CBD can quickly and effectively unfold its effect and thus promptly help the patient to feel better.


Is CBD legally available?

Since CBD has conquered the international market, there have been numerous regulations surrounding the wellness product. For instance, CBD that is offered as a dietary supplement or even a flower may only contain a minimal amount of THC so that the product cannot cause intoxication.

In fact, dealers offering CBD products have already experienced some difficulties, with CBD-containing products being confiscated and sales banned during raids throughout Germany. Meanwhile, rules are in place that allow the sale of CBD-containing supplements under certain conditions. For this purpose, the product must be declared as a cosmetic product or as a food supplement and may not exceed the content of 0.2% THC.


Are CBD flowers freely available for sale?

If you want to buy CBD flowers to smoke the natural product or even to process it into a tea or pastry, you must pay close attention to the current laws, because so far it has not been clearly clarified whether the sale of CBD flowers is uniformly legal or illegal in the Federal Republic. It also depends on the respective federal state, so in Berlin, for example, it is forbidden to sell CBD flowers, while in Bavaria, for example, they still want to check the situation extensively.

If you want to buy cbd weed in Germany, take a look at the current laws.