- Benefit of laughter: Reduce anxiety and stress.
It is more than proven that the best remedy to reduce anxiety and stress levels in the Western world is laughter. It reduces anxiety and stress. Really, try it! I assure you that there is no better therapy than being with your friends and family yo can learn some jokes on shortjoke.net for example.
- Benefit of laughter: Relieves the symptoms of depression.
As you have said before, one thing that happens when we laugh is that a neurotransmitter called dopamine is released that is closely related to psychological well-being.
- Benefit of laughter: Distinction of concerns and cut off negative thoughts
Obviously if you’re laughing you can not be thinking about everything that worries you. This is one of the best features of laughter.
- Benefit of laughter: Strengthens self-esteem.
In this case, self-esteem is not lost. People with high self-esteem are always in a good mood and smiling.
- Benefit of laughter: Helps to face the daily problems positively
We have always been told that: “With a smile, everything looks different”. Try it! They will see more problems.
- Benefit of laughter: Power intellectual capacities
Laughter allows us to obtain better intellectual results by being in an optimal state of well-being.
- Benefit of laughter: Allows for closer relationships.
Laughter although it seems silly but does not increase the confidence and trust the feelings of belonging, proximity, friendship and love.
- Benefit of laughter: predispose to cooperation and solidarity
The smile and good humor encourages also increases our altruism do the rest
- Benefit of laughter: Facilitates communication between people
Surely it has ever happened to you that has happened to you. Would you like to talk to someone like that? It is clear that no. However, there are situations in which relationships are the connecting link in a conversation and facilitate more fluid communication.
- Benefit of laughter: Help to prevent and reduce levels of aggression
Laughter allows us to convert situations of authentic conflict and high aggressiveness into something much more bearable.
- Benefit of laughter: It helps you relax
With a simple smile we experienced 4 minutes of relaxation. A great datum You want to relax, then laugh! Laugh non-stop!