Appliance Repair, the 10 Basic Tips

One of the most common repairs is appliance repair. No matter if your appliance is new or old; there will always come a time where you will have to consider calling a repair person to repair your appliance. Although, it is inevitable for an appliance to require repair, there are some ways through which you can ensure that the frequency of appliance repair decreases.

The main reason behind appliance repair is usage but there are also other things which you need to consider when thinking about appliance repair. Appliance repair can easily be avoided if you follow these 10 basic tips. They will help you get a better idea about appliance repair.


Tip 1: Check the Obvious

Most appliance repairs can easily be done by checking the obvious. Always start by checking the obvious before looking for more serious issues. Start by checking the power settings, see if the appliance has been properly plugged in or turned on. Check if the outlet is getting power or not. Some appliances do not work if their filters become too clogged or if they are placed on an uneven surface. It also causes the appliance to overheat. Therefore, it is advised to start by checking the obvious by doing simple checks first before diving deeper.


Tip 2: Keep the 50% Rule in Mind

A rule which every appliance user needs to know about is the 50% rule which tells us that if an appliance has exceeded its 50% expected lifespan (the lifespan can be checked manually or online). The cost of replacement or repairs would be more than 50% of the cost for buying a new appliance. It is better to replace the appliance altogether. It is a useful way to compare the costs of appliance repair, DIY work, replacement and professional services.


Tip 3: Know the Refrigerant Cycle

Most appliances have a refrigerant, such as air conditioners, refrigerators and heat pumps. This is why it is important for you to know the refrigerant cycle, the way it works and what could possibly go wrong. This article will help you understand the refrigerant cycle better. You will know about how the condenser, compressor and evaporator work together. By knowing about these, it would be easier to do home appliance repair and find out which problems the component could be experiencing that could be causing the malfunction or slow down.


Tip 4: Listen to the Moving Parts

The moving parts are more likely to fail as compared to other parts. They fail due to malfunction or wear. When you repair an appliance, always start by having a look at the moving parts. This means that you need to check out the motors and fans to see if they are functioning effectively or not.

The best way to know if an appliance needs repair is by checking to find out if there is any noise. Motors, fans and other similar components usually make a lot of noise when they start to malfunction. It is important for you to know that fans and fan belts are quite easy to replace. Whereas, motors are more difficult and expensive to replace or repair as compared to other parts.


Tip 5: Get a Quality Multimeter

The best way to find out if there is a problem is by checking the appliance wiring. In order to do that, a quality tool is needed. Hence, buy a quality multimeter which will help you measure the voltage and other critical signals that show which of the electrical components or wires isn’t working. A good multimeter is vital for every appliance repair. Therefore, make sure to get a proper multimeter that is safe to use.


Tip 6: See the Ignition Processes

All gas-powered appliances depend on an ignition process in order to start. They also have some electric starters or pilot lights. Ignition is a common problem, even for a highly durable appliance. Therefore, check out the ignition processes to see if the pilot light is turned on, nothing is blocked with soot or if the starters are aligned properly.


Tip 7: You Need to Know Where the Hose Is

The washing machine, dishwasher and other appliances all need a hose to move water around them. Whereas, if there is a kink or leak, then you would need to check out the hose as well as the surrounding valves to find out which part needs to be re-sealed or replaced. Hoses normally wear out the fastest. Therefore, pay attention to the condition of the hose to ensure that the appliance operates efficiently.


Tip 8: Replace Gaskets and Seals

An oven as well as the refrigerator door has gaskets and seals. Make sure to check these to see if there are any cracks or damages and if there is a need for a replacement or repair.


Tip 9: Check out Appliance Error Codes

It is easy to check out appliance error codes due to the internet. Just about every appliance has an error code. Whenever an appliance code appears, just use the internet to look it up and find out what the issue is. You will find out which part needs repair and if it possible for you to do the repair on your own or if you need professional help.


Tip 10: Buy a Complete Tool Kit

If you want to ensure that an appliance is repaired properly, then you should not make the mistake of only having a screwdriver. Instead, buy a complete tool kit. It will contain all the tools in one place. There are many affordable tool kits which you can check out. Besides, it is a great excuse to expand your tool collection.


A complete tool kit will contain all the tools which you could possibly need. The tool kit will also have a manual which will help you understand which tool is for what. It is important for every person who wants to repair appliances to have the complete tool kit. It is truly a life saver!