The Avo cigars are a classic creation of Jazz musician Avo Uvezian and tobacco expert Hendrik Kelner. The two combined their craftsmanship and dedication to creativity to launch the Avo cigars. The very first collection known as the Avo Classic was released in 1988. It became quite popular around the world within very less time. 100,000 cigars were sold just within the first year. Today, the Avo brand is owned by Davidoff. However, the classic aura and excellence of the Avo cigars continue to this day, which is why these are among the top 25 cigars of the world.
Background of the Avo Cigars
Uvezian was a popular Armenian-American Jazz pianist. But he also had a love for life and passion for travel. His enthusiasm led him to fall in love with the idea of cigars. However, he was incredibly taken aback by the great prices that were charged for Cuban cigars, which are a delicacy on their own. This inspired him to start his very own brand of cigars and the journey led him to meet Kelner in Puerto Rico. The first-ever collection to be launched was the Avo Classic and many other followed in the wake of its fast-growing popularity. Among these, the Avo Domaine cigars can’t be ignored for their unique blend and making.
What are the Avo Domaine Cigars?
The Avo Domaine cigars have been named so because the tobaccos used in this cigar are grown in Uvezian’s domain; his personal property in the Dominican Republic. The tobaccos are then combined with a Dominican binder and rolled in a sun-grown Connecticut-seed Ecuadorian wrapper. This classic wrapper is cured twice; first in Ecuador, and then in the Dominican Republic. This extra effort adds an enhanced flavor and scent to the leaves.
Flavor of the Avo Domaine Cigars
While being the strongest of collections in the Avo brand, the Domaine has a medium-strength smoke. But it comes with a rich flavor and aesthetic enhanced but the glowing milk-chocolate colored wrapper. Through the wrapper, one can subtly discern the veins.
The Avo Domaine cigar features a clean draw. On each puff of the cigar, the mouth fills up with a lot of smoke and the cigar demands to be smoked slowly so the flavors can be savored.
The Domaine is available in 6 different vitolas. Each vitola is a fairly sized cigar. This particular cigar collection from the Avo brand has received a rating of 91 from the Cigar Aficionado magazine and is ranked among the top 50 cigars of the world.
Best Place To Buy the Avo Domaine Cigars
If you have been enjoying the Avo Classic for a long time, it is time you give a try to the Domaine cigars. You will not regret your choice if you have an intelligent appreciation for the varying cigars. The full flavor and amazing smell of the Domaine Avo cigars speak very well of the personality that was Uvezian.
The intensity of the cigars is indicated as musical notes on each pack so you can pick according to your expectations.