Basic Fundamentals of SEO Success

SEO is the practice of search engine optimization. This is an advertising tool used by marketing specialists using search engines as its key strategy. Technology has played a role in how business is conducted, and SEO has been a tool for many to take advantage of the new methods of eCommerce. In order to find success in SEO, you want to start at the basics and learn the fundamentals.

Search Engine Results Pages

One of the first things that you need to learn about Search Engine Optimization is that it is centralized around search results. Users will use search engines to look up any queries they have, hoping to find answers on their preferred search tools. The goal of successful SEO is to increase your website’s visibility and that translates to higher positions on search engine results pages. This is the measuring stick for success for many companies as most users searching for answers rarely look past the first few pages. SEO uses data and analytics to position your pages in positions relative to things like keywords, authority, and traffic.

Domain Authority

Domain authority is a score provided to a website according to several factors, communicating to search engine systems the usefulness of pages and websites. Having strong domain authority will result in higher positions on SERPs and will translate to more traffic to your website. Sites use other webpages with strong authority to bolster their pages through links and content. Weak domain authority signifies that your pages are lacking the gravity that attracts users and your brand power. It takes time to build strong domain authority, and many small to medium-sized businesses are unaware of just how much of a factor this plays into their success or failure.


Keywords play a massive role in search engine optimization and are the primary search tool that connects users to the websites and pages that provide the answers they need. Keywords help pages rank higher or lower for products and services that create relative content searches. Keywords must be used in a manner that proves useful and helpful, and not simply oversaturating and flooding pages to gain that attention. There are various ways to implement keywords into your website and company, from product names, webpage titles, text behind images, and meta information. Use the available resources to do research on what keywords you want to rank for, as this determines not only the number of users you reach but the quality. You don’t just want inflated numbers for your site without any sort of interaction, quality users that find your site through certain keywords will be looking for certain services or products that if that cannot be found, will immediately leave. This type of interaction looks poorly in search engines and shows them that users are not finding the answers they need from you.

Site Audits

Site audits involve a lot of tedious and menial work but still have an impact and a place in SEO practices. This is because these types of audits and practices don’t directly result in traffic, but can translate into indirect traffic. Site audits do not bring users to your site through any sort of links or bridges to your pages, but it has an impact on your ranking positions for searches, which would eventually translate to traffic down the line. Site audits involve a few things, from going over all the information that shows up on your different pages, making sure that the user interface is customer-friendly, encouraging flow and retention, to ensuring that your entire online presence is consistent on all pages that your business information appears. The online presence includes all directories and social media platforms, as these help build the dynamic of trust that is important for search engines to determine your ranking to show up in queries. The greater you trust, the more power your brand will be given, which will translate to better exposure, and eventually result in consistent growth.

Link Building

Links play an extremely significant role in search engine optimization. For many SEO experts, it is what they primarily focus on and makes up the majority of their practice. Link building is done by creating a network of links to connect users and direct them to your pages through backlinks while internal links will create more traffic and flow within your domain between pages. It is not enough to simply cut and paste your page links to as many sites as possible, that is the quickest way to lose credibility. Instead, you want to learn how to manage your backlinks correctly and implement them in smart and effective ways. As mentioned with authority being the force that determines a website or web page’s power, links need to come from those pages that have high authority, which in turn will increase your authority. These bridges are seen and recognized by search engines as evidence of your site’s power and trust factors and help you rank higher. Your links will have the greatest effect on your authority and rank, the traffic as a result of searches, and the overall success of SEO.

Content Creation

Content is another integral facet of search engine optimization. If link building’s importance can be compared to the bones of your SEO practice, content creation is the meat. This means that you will need a lot of content generated on your site and other sites and platforms. You want to build your network and expand your reach and content is necessary for that. The links that you put out to connect different pages and sites need to be within certain articles or content to appear more genuine for search analytics. This is because companies will try to game search systems and falsely inflate their numbers, so you have to ensure that you provide quality content for readers and users alike. Additionally, your content is important for keeping users engaged, making them spend more time on pages and clicking, moving around, and interacting throughout your site. This further increases your site’s power and ranking.


Search Engine Optimization is very useful in online business markets, especially paired with all the technology and social interaction in today’s age. Brands and companies would be wise to adapt to these practices as a failure to change will mean their companies are left behind.