Just getting a website made is not enough, you need to get it hosted too. However, opting for a primary web hosting service provider may not fit your bill. Shared hosting may not be ideal for your business needs, and you may find dedicated hosting too pricey. VPS Hosting is a third alternative or middle of the road solution that you may choose in this context.
VPS hosting contains both elements of dedicated hosting and shared hosting services. It does put your website on a server which has other sites on it, but the number is less than typical shared hosting setup. Since the sites share the running cost of the server, each has to bear a yearly/monthly charge less than the actual required cost for dedicated hosting services. Nowadays, you can even buy VPS with bictoin
Notable Benefits Of The VPS Hosting:
In VPS hosting, your site does not share any resource with the neighboring sites. It gets own storage, RAM and OS.
- It leads to stable performance compared to shared hosting.
- You can choose the OS and software for the server.
- Ways to select the best VPS Hosting service provider
To ensure you get best VPS hosting service, analyze the following aspects:
- How reliable the hosting company/ vendor is – The reliability of the agency offering VPS hosting is something you cannot overlook. A professional company providing these services should provide robust support, and you can check out the reviews and client testimonials of the company. You can pick a company like hostinger.com/vpshosting.
- How secure its services are – It is also necessary that you find out details about security measures implemented by the company offering VPS hosting service. The cybersecurity issues haunting the businesses are growing in number. You can enquire the agency about online security protocols it has in place to ensure the safety of client website and data. The company should have safety measures to thwart infamous DDoS attacks. Typically, most vendors offering VPS hosting services offer encryption and firewall protection for the clients. If you plan to host a site for selling services and products to the site visitors, having Secure Sockets Layer or SSL encryption is a must.
- Type of OS used – It is necessary to see which OS is running in the Server of the company offering VPS hosting service. A majority of companies offer Linux operating system versions. Finding Windows-based VPS hosting is somewhat uncommon. However, you may still look for it if you want to run an application or framework (ASP, ASP.NET) which needs a Microsoft-compatible environment. However, Linux-based VPS hosting usually costs less than Windows-based options because the former OS is Open Source in nature.
- Unmanaged or Managed service – In VPS hosting, you may or may not get the access to the server. If you need to take care of the server, this is unmanaged VPS. If the service provider looks after the server and monitor performance, this is called managed VPS. Unless your company has required staffs with skill and experience in managing related technologies, you should opt for a company offering managed VPS hosting service. However, the reality is the managed service extent may vary from one company to another.
- Details of Server configuration – The server on which your website will host has to be configured well to balance site performance. This means you have to look into the technical spec of the server. You have to find out the type of CPU it has, amount of RAM is there and the size of the disk. Without solid server configuration site performance can be affected adversely. The type of HDD used also needs to be taken into account. Regular HDDs are more massive in capacity while the SSDs offer blazing fast speed. However, the latter have lesser storage capacity. In most cases, you can go for regular HDDs and get consistent performance.
- Scalability and redundancy – Before selecting a company for VPS hosting service, scalability should be checked well. It refers to the capacity to accommodate additional sites without losing the efficiency to handle them all at the same time. Redundancy is the ability to control the workload through backup when the main power supply fails. The company must have backup provisions in place to run the server. Both these factors ensure there is consistency in performance.
- Monthly bandwidth limit – The majority of entities offering VPS hosting service also offers a monthly bandwidth for your website on its server. If you cross the bandwidth quota, you will have to pay extra. This is one factor you have to assess carefully before finalizing things.
- Trial and refund options – Like many other services related to the web, the companies offering VPS hosting services let the users try their services for free, which can be valid for a week or a little more. Some of these companies also offer a refund if the customers are not happy with the quality of service within the specified period. You should check these aspects too.
Where does it all lead to?
There is no denying choosing VPS hosting can enhance the performance of your website and help it get more traffic. However, you should assess the viability of such companies before signing up for their services. You can read the web reviews of favorite vendors offering VPS hosting services and check out the testimonials of their clients too. Additionally, you may use social media platforms to get authentic feedback on their services.