Experience to make a choice is shopping bag factory in vietnam

Nowadays, more and more customers from all over the world come Vietnam to buy shopping bag for their business. This essay will share with you the reasons to choose Vietnam for sourcing of bag products and some experiences to make a choice shopping bag factory in Vietnam.

  1. The reasons to choose Vietnam for sourcing of bag products

Vietnam is the perfect solution for your sourcing needs of bag products and manufacturers because of these reasons:

Firstly, the Vietnamese competent authorities issued a lot of good policies to promote the export of strength commodities. For this reason, many shopping bag manufacturers in vietnam don’t focus on the domestic market only as before. Instead, they are trending to export their own products so the foreign customers can select any suitable factory easily to provide sources of products and meet their demand.

Secondly, the backpack supplier in vietnam have to pay much cheaper cost of raw materials, labor cost and land rent in comparison with others developed countries. Therefore, Vietnam shopping bag suppliers can compete with most of big shopping bag companies in developed countries which import bags from Vietnam and resell in their markets (especially for Japan, US, EU,…).

Thirdly, there is no anti dumping tax on backpack factories in vietnam, which ranges from 8% to 30% for almost Asian countries especially China. Therefore, Vietnam become a very strong competitor in comparison with other Asian countries.

Lastly, regarding to the quality of  bags made in vietnam, Vietnam also imports materials from Thailand, Japan,… and machines from Japan, Taiwan, Germany. In addition to this, shopping bags in Vietnam are made by well-trained employee and controlled by experienced management team. Therefore, Vietnam’s shopping bag quality meet standards and requirements of any customer.

For all the reasons above, vietnam bags factory has attracted a lot of customers from developed countries and become more and more competitive in global market with high quality bag products and competitive prices.

Bags factory in vietnam have to pay much cheap cost of raw materials, labor cost and land rent

  1. Experiences to make a choice shopping bag factory in Vietnam

Here are 4 steps which you should follow to find the right shopping bag factory in Vietnam for you to make your products:

– Work out what you want that handbag manufacturers in vietnam to do: Do you want a factory which made products from materials you’ve bought with a pattern you’ve designed? Or do you want a company which supply materials, create a pattern and manufacture it from your sketch? You should think carefully about this to select the right supplier.

– Do incredibly thorough research about  vietnam leather bag manufacturers: the best way to find a good-quality, reliable shopping bag factory is getting recommendations from your friends, peers or network. In addition to this, you should visit dedicated manufacturing websites to filter results.

– Short-list, and start local: After having a huge list of shopping bag factories, you should cut your list down, check which areas that company specialises in and what machinery it has. The more information you know about the procedures needed to make your bag products, the easier this latter part will be. You will also need to contact with that company to know about how many bag products you will have to order, schedules and pricing. Your perfect factory will have experience of producing the types of bags with high quality and competitive price.

– Pay them a visit if you can: After you’ve found out all the above, you should visit the bag factory in vietnam if you can to get a true sense of the place. You also negotiate with them about prices, schedules and minimums on this visit.

Visit the bag company if you can


3. Which is the best shopping bag factory in Vietnam?

You are in need of backpack factory in vietnam? Please visit office and factory of Hop Phat Co.ld in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.

We specialise in supplying various bag for many different use:

► Backpacks: Advertising backpacks. Fashion backpack, Laptop backpacks, Travel backpack

► Bags: Advertising bag, Fashion bags, Crossbody bags, Shopping bags, Leather bag, Non Woven Bags, Plastic Packaging, canvas tote bags manufacturer in vietnam, Cotton bag .Thermo Bag, …

► Briefcases: Laptop briefcase, Office briefcase, Leather briefcases, School briefcase

► Others: Travel suitcase, Pulling suitcase, non woven bag manufacturer in vietnam, PP woven shopping bags and so on.

How our bag products will benefit you:

► Highly skilled, well-trained workforce.

► Large-scale infrastructure: two modern, well-managed factories with a production capability of 10.000-20.000 bags per month.

► High-tech, advanced sewing technology and production facilities. Hop Phat Garment Company has modern machines such as Hydraulic Press Machine 8 tons, 1 Needle Sewing Machine, 2 – Needle Sewing Machine, Ziczac Sewing Machine, electronic bar tacking-pattern sewing machine,.. imported.

► Supports all simple code samples to the most complex.

► Good – affordable products with 24/24 customer service and warranty policies.

► Prompt Delivery

Hop Phat is the best shopping bag factory in Vietnam

Hop Phat is the best backpack manufacturer in vietnam support with professional staffs consulting, design, … thoughtful, enthusiastic.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information:

Tel: +84 988 693 337, +84 909 938 333

Email: info.mayhopphat@gmail.com

Website: https://congtybalo.com/