Health is Wealth: Prioritizing Your Mental Health as an Investor by Dennis Loos

It might be challenging to meet your trading and mental health needs. The stakes are high, and conforming to the “grind culture” can be the only way to meet them, even if doing so compromises your health and happiness. It is essential, though, to abandon that story. As an expert investor and personal development guru, Dennis Loos recommended that the first step is putting your needs, brain, and mental health first.

Let’s be honest: the incredible expansion of the cryptocurrency market has not brought peace; on the contrary, the industry’s already high volatility has increased. Just as this field has grown, so has the requirement to keep up with its current developments.


Investors’ psyches take a hit from all the fast action and stress. This is why we’ve compiled these tips for protecting your sanity as a cryptocurrency trader.

  • Relate With Others

Humans are designed for social interaction. It is just as important as proper nutrition, rest, and exercise. According to research, those who feel more connected to others have lower levels of anxiety and sadness, higher feelings of self-worth and empathy, and even a more robust immune system. How can you encourage social interaction, especially in the digital world? It can be as fast as sharing your daily Wordle score, sending a hilarious meme to your friends, or sending a text to someone to let them know you’re thinking of them.

  • Learn To Say No When Needed

Saying “no” to others can be tremendously difficult for many people. However, responding positively to everyone else’s requests all the time can cause exhaustion, tension, and even resentment, all of which are detrimental to mental health. It’s crucial to start exploring your boundaries in different areas of your life, such as work, school, familial ties, etc., as saying “no” might cause guilt or shame for some people. Clear, strong, and polite communication of boundaries or “no” responses are the best approach. Saying “no” is a fantastic kind of self-care, despite what many of us have been trained to believe.

  • Schedule Some Downtime

Having time to rest is (sadly) a privilege. While some people can take months off to relax, others may only have hours or minutes. The most crucial thing is to rest as much as you can. Everyone’s idea of rest is different. It can be practicing deep breathing for five minutes for you. For another, perhaps a trip to the outdoors. When you’re trying to relax, try to avoid using technology. This can help you feel less stressed, make better decisions, and be more motivated.

  • Create Coping Mechanisms for Stress

Numerous tools to strengthen the mind have been developed due to contemporary scientific research. Among cryptocurrency investors like Dennis Loos, mindfulness practices, physical activity, meditation, and breathing exercises have grown in popularity. Additionally, you should try several things and determine what functions best for you. You’d be prepared to handle the next crash if you did this.

  • Learn to Spread Out Your Financial Portfolio.

There are several more investment opportunities, even within cryptocurrency. For your portfolio, diversification and rebalancing serve as a cushion.

Let’s face it; hyper volatility is the one element that can be considered constant in the crypto sphere. This frequently impacts investors’ mental health.


Maintain a Healthy lifestyle

  • Spend some time eating well.
  • Don’t forget to get enough rest.
  • Keep moving or work out each day.
  • Take part in exercises that encourage rest and wellbeing (yoga, meditation and breathing exercises, creative or artistic exercises).
  • Reduce your intake of stimulants like chocolate, coffee, tea, soft drinks, and energy drinks.
  • Reduce or stop using tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.
  • Don’t be shy; look for expert assistance.

A new area of professional assistance has also emerged due to incredible expansion. These days, patients with crypto-related conditions can receive care from qualified mental health providers. Such a specialist already has a thorough understanding of all things cryptocurrency, so you won’t need to explain what a blockchain is to them.

  • Laugh

You’ve probably heard the saying, “laughter is the best medicine,” and there’s much truth to it. Laughter triggers and relieves the body’s stress response, calms nerves, lifts spirits, and boosts happiness and contentment. In a nutshell, it does wonders for one’s state of mind. Get in touch with a buddy you can act ridiculous with, watch a TikTok of a funny dog, or even head out to a comedy concert in your area. Dennis Loos ascertains that you remember that your physical and mental health will thank you for laughing.

  • Get Rid of All the Money Worries

The more pervasive social media becomes, the more likely we are to engage in the risky behavior of comparing our financial situations with those of others.

Wow! And here I am, sitting in my cube eating trail mix with three minutes left of my lunch break while Dennis Loos is off on another vacation to Greece. Every one of us can relate to having that notion at some point. Keeping a score of how someone else’s day goes can be a bad habit that leaves you feeling down in the dumps. Reducing your time on social media will help you avoid this awful sensation.

The average daily time spent on social media in 2020 was 145 minutes. More than two hours go by while we lament Dennis’s using money on a trip to Greece.

Think about what you can accomplish if you devote those two hours a day to a side business. Imagine the difference an extra $500 a month would make in your financial situation.


What Does Spending Money on Mental Health Mean?

When discussing investing in mental health, we frequently refer to money, but the topic goes beyond the bottom line. According to Dennis Loos, the best way to prioritize mental health activity is to look at how people, organizations, societies, and funders are doing it. We can all invest by encouraging and prioritizing our mental health, as well as by supporting the wellness of our coworkers at work, our students and faculty at institutions, and our governments by allocating funds for the prevention and treatment of mental illnesses.


It’s crucial to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to treating mental health problems; treatment must be tailored to the individual’s symptoms and unique life circumstances. Therefore, there is no “one-size-fits-all” answer; many patients will have to test various approaches before settling on the most effective.

Yet, empathizing and showing compassion for people in distress is one of the most undervalued skills in the medical field. Be there for your patients and listen to them without interrupting or passing judgment.

Exercising frequently is a great way to improve your health and mood. Exercising is a fantastic method of relieving stress and lowering cortisol and adrenaline levels. A patient’s physical and mental health can be maintained even if they are hesitant to exercise in a gym or fitness center due to the pandemic.

Promoting group interactions and utilizing social networks. Using established relationships is a common first step in treating behavioral health issues. One question you might ask a patient with mental health issues is whether or not they have anybody they can talk to or lean on for assistance. Family, friends, religious communities, and issue-specific groups like the 12-step program are all great places to find social support.

Expert Investor Dennis Loos encourages meditation and deep breathing techniques. Simple breathing exercises can significantly assist with depression, anxiety, and generalized tension. Scientists have shown that learning to control your breathing can help reduce stress hormones and blood pressure. The box breathing technique, often known as the “4-by-4 breathing” technique, is a common exercise you can teach your patients.