How Do Dental Implants Help Seniors?

As individuals age, their risk of developing significant dental problems and potentially even tooth loss often increases. Such issues could result in the emergence or exacerbation of numerous health issues and other unpleasant results. Fortunately, such hazardous occurrences might be overcome through the insertion of dental implants.

Concerned seniors are invited to read further for a brief discussion regarding how age impacts teeth, the potential problems associated with oral issues and tooth loss, a short discussion on the implementation process, and how implants may help aged subjects.


Age’s Impact On Dental Health

As individuals grow older, their mouths experience structural changes. For example, their gums often recede. Moreover, oral nerves typically become smaller and less receptive. Such occurrences could result in feeling less pain or other sensations indicating a specific ailment’s presence. Therefore, serious maladies might significantly progress before the impacted subject is aware a problem exists.


Associated Health Concerns

Seniors stricken with poor oral health could stand at an increased risk for developing issues like cavities, dental infections, and tooth loss. Furthermore, these problems can render eating and speaking difficult, which could result in nutritional and social deficiencies. Additionally, dental illness has been connected to other serious, potentially life-inhibiting medical conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.


Dental Implants Overview

Fortunately, ageing persons who have lost teeth or possess badly damaged or diseased oral components might benefit from implants’ insertion.

These constructions are simply defined as artificial structures created to replace missing teeth. Prosthetic items are inserted into the recipient’s jawbone and, over a several month period, conjoins with said oral feature to replicate the root, structure, function, and aesthetic appeal of an actual tooth.

When Might One Need Implants?

Seniors experiencing any of the following conditions might be suitable candidates for dental implantation:

 Missing Teeth

Those who have lost or are missing teeth might be candidates for implementation. Such circumstances can be aesthetically-unpleasing. More seriously, however, said events could inhibit one’s capacity to chew or digest food properly.

 Infected Or Damaged Teeth

Tooth infections could spread to other bodily regions if not promptly addressed. Moreover, damaged teeth are likely to deteriorate further. Therefore, afflicted individuals often benefit from having such oral components extracted and replacement structures inserted.

 Loose Dentures Or Bridges

Dentures or dental work called bridges are capable of loosening and shifting. These issues are not only uncomfortable but could also precipitate oral cavity damage.


How Implants Benefit Seniors?

Implanted structures can benefit seniors in numerous ways, including:

 Less Maintenance

Implants typically require less maintenance than other tooth loss treatments. Dentures must continually be removed for cleaning and then properly reinserted. Ensuring said items are cleaned can be a time-consuming hassle. Implants can typically be maintained as one would their natural teeth.


Properly inserted implants eventually fuse with the recipient’s jawbone and other neighbouring oral components. Once this process is completed, the inserted structure fits securely and comfortably. Other remedial efforts such as dentures and bridges could loosen and shift, causing pain and interfere with the user’s capacity to talk and eat.

 Greater Speaking And Chewing Capacity

Few actions are as vital as speaking or chewing. Dental implants enable recipients to regain their capacity to communicate effectively and adequately chew their food. Reacquiring the ability to chew will increase one’s enjoyment of eating and foster better digestion and nutrition.

 Saving Money

Granted, dental implantation is not inexpensive. That said, it is a one-time process. Using dentures requires significant ongoing maintenance. Not only must the user continually invest in suitable cleaning agents but said items could crack or break, necessitating repair or replacement.

 Heightened Aesthetics

Implants remove the stigma and embarrassment many seniors experience when missing teeth. Such circumstances might even result in social withdrawal and isolation. Newly inserted implants can circumvent this disturbing occurrence.