How to Become a Web Designer

Web Designers have to have both the technical know-how to produce functional websites and the creative ability to design sites that will appeal to their users.

You might be suited to the field of web design if both your artistic and technical sides combine.

If you are wondering how to learn to become a web designer, keep reading till the end!

Study Web Design Theory

In order to learn to become a Web Designer, one must first obtain a solid understanding of web design theory. For creating a successful website, there are several principles to follow. These include analysing UX design metrics, user experience, structure, and color theory.

It is possible to learn web design theory in a variety of ways. There is an increasingly popular way to learn web design and development (or UX design and development) through a course or Bootcamp. Web design boot camps offer a variety of short (less than 12 weeks full-time) intensive and immersive educational programs that can turn complete beginners into job-ready Web Designers.

Learn Key Web Design Tools

The first step to becoming a Web Designer is to become knowledgeable about web design tools. In recent years, an increasing number of excellent and powerful web design software and tools have been released, which has enabled Web Designers to create more effective and attractive sites.

Also keep checking new web trends; discover here what is web 3.0.

As a Web Designer, you should learn how to use these tools:


Web design remains the longtime king of all design skills. 27 percent of all the websites on the Internet use WordPress, and its market share in content management systems is 76 percent. It is easy to build, edit, customize, enhance, and optimize your website by using WordPress’s built-in themes and plugins.


Photoshop is without a doubt the most important Adobe suite for Web Designers as it allows them to create eye-catching and creative images. This pattern maker’s endless color options and gradients make it easy to create all kinds of patterns and prints.


Designers should get familiar with Dreamweaver, another part of the Adobe suite that allows you to directly code your website design even if you’re not a programmer. For novices who still want an attractive, responsive design, ready-made design templates and other tools can be especially helpful.

Google Web Designer

Google Web Designer makes creating HTML5 content easy. You can create an animation or interactive element and integrate it seamlessly with other Google products, such as Google Ads and Drive, in order to bring your vision to life.

Developing Your Skills in Web Design through Your Own Work

You can now build websites thanks to the web design tool belt you’ve stocked. It’s likely that you’ll gain skills along the way that you didn’t anticipate. These include some technical skills, like HTML, CSS, or JavaScript coding. Start building sites – the more you build, the better your skills will become.

Web Designers also need to take into account several user experience design skills. Users interact with web pages that are designed by Web Designers, and they can achieve greater success with skills in user-centered design and responsive design.

Create a Portfolio to Display Your Web Design Work

Creating a portfolio that showcases your passion for web design is the best feature you can have when applying for a Web Designer job.

It is important to have a diverse portfolio. It should also be concise – so you don’t have slack in the design department if you aren’t sure about the quality of the website. Still, you should show a diversity of designs with dramatically different aesthetics. During an interview, use your portfolio to showcase work that fits the company’s aesthetic.

Find relevant web design jobs

It is possible to play many roles in web design. With the right combination of education and experience, someone with web design skills could become qualified for the following:

  • Web Designer
  • Front-End Developer
  • Front-End Designer
  • UX/UI Designer
  • Product Manager
  • Visual Designer
  • Interaction Designer
  • Mobile Developer

As a recent graduate, you would probably look into entry-level positions in industry or education. You actually might be qualified for higher-paying jobs if you have prior tech experience, even if it was not in web design.