How to track your weight loss on a daily basis?

Losing weight is a matter of interest for a lot of people but it rarely happens that one achieves the desired goal. This is because one must keep track of calories, follow a complex workout schedule and make adjustments to the diet. It might all seem like a lot of work, with very little to show for. You can visit Revive for Essential oils that can help in your weight loss.



By establishing a daily diet chart, you will find it easier to stick to the new food choices and reduce the intake of those that are not allowed. Moreover, there are specific measures you can take to get rid of stubborn fat, such as the one on the abdomen. For example, you can try out stress-reduction techniques, sleep more hours or give up processed foods. There is another area whether fat gets deposited i.e. buttocks. This is a major concern for many women. One can go for Buttock Augmentation for reducing buttocks fat.

Physical exercise, of moderate intensity, can help one lose excess weight and also with long-term weight management. There are specific exercises you can opt for but also regular activities, such as walking, running or swimming, which can promote the fat-burning process.

Tracking your weight loss journey with the help of an online application is more useful than you might think. For instance, you can use CareClinic’s health to record every aspect regarding your weight, including the intake of fiber and a daily number of calories.


Establishing a daily diet chart to lose weight

The daily diet chart can be recorded with the help of the above-mentioned application. You have to be willing to change your diet, saying goodbye to those that are rich in sugar, as well as to processed or refined foods. Healthy meals, prepared from fresh ingredients, can boost your metabolism and help you burn more fat (especially in the abdominal area).

Complex carbs

Simple carbs, such as white pasta and rice, can lead to weight gain and should be eliminated from the diet. You can replace these with complex carbs, such as quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth or brown rice. These will ensure that your blood sugar remains stable, reducing the risk of unhealthy spikes (often seen with high sugar foods). You can plan your weekly meals so as to include more whole grains.

Increased protein consumption

Consuming more proteins can activate your metabolism and promote the fat burning process. Moreover, proteins ensure a prolonged satiety sensation, allowing you to consume a reduced quantity of carbs. For this reason, you should include more fatty fish, eggs, chicken and poultry in your diet. You can also consume beans, oats and vegan milk (almond, coconut).

Omega-3 fatty acids

These can activate the metabolism as well and contribute to the weight loss process, having anti-inflammatory properties. You can consume fatty fish, such as mackerel and salmon, but also nuts and seeds.

More fiber in the diet

A diet rich in fiber contributes to the weight loss process and ensures you will feel full for a longer period of time. Moreover, it gives you a lot of energy. You should include more fruits, such as apples, pears, berries, as well as green leafy veggies.


You need to increase your daily intake of water, as dehydration can lead to weight gain. You can turn water into a more appealing beverage by adding pieces of fruits, lemon peels, and shredded ginger.

The best way to improve your health is not to diet alone. Exipure reviews give insight for those seeking weight loss assistance. Exipure can help you slim down and leave behind any type of excess. Boost your health with this convenient supplement that comes in a variety of flavors to suit your mood, day, or time of the month.

Tips to reduce unwanted fat (belly fat)

These are some of the tips you can follow in order to reduce unwanted fat, especially in the abdominal area:

  • Eat a healthy breakfast each morning, preferably rich in proteins
  • Start your morning with a tall glass of water
  • Weigh yourself on a daily basis to keep yourself motivated and foster healthy habits
  • Expose yourself to sunlight, in order to up your vitamin D intake
  • Practice mindfulness and stay physically active
  • Prep your meals
  • Sleep for at least eight hours per night
  • Use public transportation or try walking, biking


Physical exercises to reduce overall fat

Rope jumping is an excellent way to lose weight, as it consumes a lot of calories and it is quite a fun activity. You can also opt for strength training, lifting weights or even try kickboxing. Aerobic exercises activate the metabolism and promote fat burning, while high-intensity interval training does wonders for your figure.


How can one track the weight loss process?

As it was already mentioned at the beginning, you can track the weight loss process with the help of a health application. Care Clinic’s health diary allows you to record your daily meals and any other information regarding your diet. You can use it to identify unhealthy food choices and monitor your progress.

The health application allows you to enter information about your pre-existent conditions and even keep journal notes regarding your potential cravings. You can use it to improve the long-term weight management, as well as to obtain regular reports that can be shared with your attending physician.


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