Typescript – Why Do You Need It?

Typescript is a superset of Javascript and enables users/coders with the option of writing codes statically, to develop classes and interfaces, with an additional feature of fixing and spotting for common errors and misinterpretations during or between coding.

Typescript has been developed meticulously in order to work between paradigms of the success of Javascript and provide additional support for its weakness.

How does it Work?

Typescript source code works in forms of two independent ways including

Editor for errors:

Typescript is able to check and recode errors via language server that allows editors and coders alike with the possibilities of :

  • detecting errors in the script
  • the possibility of refactoring
  • auto completion
  • Language server is able to list any errors and analyze it statistically

IDE Editor is able to communicate with the language servers using the specific protocol “JSON-RPC” which is a remote procedure call protocol encoded in JSON.

Compiling and constructing the Typescript files into JavaScript files:

The aforementioned protocol is carried out in two peculiar ways – this includes

  • Users can run a build tool using a command line which allows compilers and coders to compile T-script using a watch mode. The watch mode is able to read input files and correspond with output files once any changes have been made.
  • Users can also run T-Script using the Visual Studio code which should be previously installed and running in your system in order to enable building. Building allows coders to have a complete list of errors compiled meticulously by the Visual studio code.


Advantages of Typescript:

Since most of the browsers and JavaScript runtimes don’t offer full support and provisions of features using the ECMA Script standards. Typescript is able to provide additional support in this capacity by enabling users to target compiler options and features, that allows the user to use:

  • Modules
  • Lambda functions
  • Spread operator
  • Destructuring modules
  • And various classes



Utilize advanced type system:

Since type support isn’t a part of the ECMA script standard based on its complexities, Typescript is able to provide you with a various set of additional features that includes :

  • Interfaces
  • Hybrid types
  • Access modifiers
  • Enums
  • Intersection and Union types
  • Generic types

Typescript is able to provide an incredibly powerful and rich library of otherwise unavailable and inaccessible type languages and systems.


Developer Tools:

Apart from its rich library of typefaces and language, Typescript is also able to provide additional support in terms of a background support for both IDE integrations and Incremental compilation. These features allows users to :

  • effortlessly navigate
  • Identify problems
  • Inspect and find possibilities
  • Refactor your codebase

Considering the above mentioned advantages and uses of Typescript, it is easy to say that it will be able to provide you with additional features that are otherwise unavailable with JavaScript. Typescript is almost a sort of an essential backing that you must have in order to work and code effortlessly!