What is a Smartwatch? What Do They Do?

A smartwatch is known as a portable wearable device that offers an array of functionalities. Just as the name indicates, the users of smartwatches wear them on the wrist. Primarily, a smartwatch has a touchscreen and requires mobile applications to function properly like smartphones. A smartwatch boasts of an interface that you can use for various activities. Apart from the fact that smartwatches usually have smaller screen sizes, they can perform a few of the functions of smartphones.

As we have stylish and small smartwatches, there are also large and unattractive ones.  Furthermore, some smartwatches are specialized. In other words, they are designed for specific tasks such as fitness and workout. Nevertheless, there are smartwatches for day-to-day use.


What do smartwatches do?

  • They use apps

Smartwatches utilize different applications to function at the optimal level. Similar to apps for smartphones, the apps that will be used by a smartwatch depends on its operating system. Although there are some smartwatches that provide extensive supports for several apps, some specialized watches only use apps that are meant for their specialized functions.

  • They receive notifications

Whether you have an essential event to attend or missed a call, your smartwatch could display notifications to keep you informed about it. As Think Smartwatch points out, some specialized smartwatches can display notifications about your health so that you can act accordingly.

  • They help with answering messages

If you have a message you want to send to someone, you do not have to type it out on your smartphone. Take advantage of the voice dictation feature of your smartwatch to send messages without typing anything. You only have to dictate what you want and send it.

  • They can organize your media

If you connect your smartphone with your smartwatch, you can use the latter for controlling media playback. So, whether you want to switch tracks in your playlist or change volume, some smartwatches can offer you such features.

  • Monitor your fitness

Most of the specialized fitness smartwatches are capable of showing you details of your workout sessions or tracking your heart rate and other vitals.

  • Track your location

The majority of smartwatches come with a GPS. Hence, you can use them to get some information about your location.

What are the smartwatches available?

Although some smartwatches have been in the market for a few years, they are still mostly at their developmental stage. A few of the smartwatches you can get today include Samsung Galaxy Gear Fit, Samsung Galaxy Gear, Pebble Watch, Sony SmartWatch, Apple Watch Series, Garmin Fenix, and NikeFuel. However, the smartwatch market is bound to witness a tremendous explosion in the coming years as various leading technology companies have been rumored to be working on more elegant and aesthetic smartwatches.

So, now you know what smartwatches are and what they do. If you would like to get a smartwatch, consider its array of features and whether those features suit your needs and preferences. Whatever you choose, make sure its battery life is excellent so that you can get the best out of your smartwatch.